Video claiming to show the Southern Oromian Zone’s Oromo Liberation Army (OLA/WBO) unit regrouping after the operation on TPLF’s police post in Moyale late last month (i.e. May 2015) has surfaced online. [The video says the OLA/WBO’s operation was called Operation Nimoonaa Xilaahuun; Nimoonaa Xilaahuun was a longtime prisoner of TPLF; he died in prison in 2014.]
[Viewer discretion advised; some viewers may find the loud shots disturbing.]
SBO – Gootichi WBO Zoonii Kibbaa Mooraa Waraana Wayyaanee Magaalaa Moyyaalee Haleeluun 17 Ol Hojiin Ala Gochuun Injifannoo Galmeesse